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FFFFFFFFriiiiiday, June 18, 12:51am

Booyah! So I say what tah hell. I did allright on my test. At least I think I passed... Well so instead of focusing and studying I churn this out. Tired and bairly able to sleep I crap the image out and thats exactly how I felt about it. ITS CRAP!!! Well I even told every one i knew that too. Well comes to find out I forgot a highlights layer in photoshop that made it look so poopie... Now that that is fixed to a tolerable level... I notice more and more problems... G-D IT ALL. Well fiddle babble...

On a lighter note anyone who likes it can use it as a wallpaper by clicking for the link for the 1024 or the 800 sized images.

Well I have this buddy... he and I talk and stuff... He writes... and I think he is getting good. So in that case I would like to give you his link by clicking here... Now he promised to mention my site in some of his chapters... YAY link sharing!!! Now maybe I get more readers... Incidentally he gets more readers than I do... bleh... His NGE fanfics are something worth reading over and with my help he will go insane and kill his family. So I let him do his "zim" thing and close the door behind me when I leave... quickly...

Oh and you might notice this is the first usage of the word Penitent, which is the title of the comic (decided after I made my web domain). I figured that TMcCaine Studios would be simple enough since thats my name throughout netland.

On a lighter note I have been doing a quasi good job of keeping with my Wednesday-Friday update schedual... I might have to simplify my strips to keep it up but I will do everything I can to ensure you have a comic to read every moment I can. I want this story to grow and be something people talk about and show their friends.

SPREAD TAH WORD!!! Thanks for stoppin by. Me? I can be found le here.

TMcCaine Studios is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.